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熊龙 讲师


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熊龙,男,博士,中共党员,讲师。2022年云南大学青年培优计划,主要从事统计物理、复杂系统及其交叉学科研究。在Phys. Rev. B,Phys. Rev. E,NJP,CSF,Physica A,EPL等期刊发表SCI论文19篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项,省部级项目1项。



2022年10月-今 成人直播下载-成人直播中文 ,讲师

20189-20223月 浙江大学理论物理,博士

2015年9月-2018年3月 浙江大学理论物理,硕士

2011年9月-2015年6月 湖北大学物理学,学士







1.Yan Luo; Zhongyuan Liu; Lei-Lei Nian; Cai Cheng*; Long Xiong*; Bo Zheng*; Elliptical spin textures in two-dimensional semimetals with spatially anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Physical Review B, 2024, 109(13): 134414-134414    

2.Lei-Lei Nian; Shiqian Hu; Long Xiong*; Jing-Tao Lü*; Bo Zheng*; Photon-assisted electron transport across a quantum phase transition, Physical Review B, 2023, 108(8): 085430

3.Yingzhou Liu; Yinong Liu; Jincheng Yue; Long Xiong*; Lei-Lei Nian*; Shiqian Hu*; Modulation of interface modes for resonance-induced enhancement of the interfacial thermal conductance in pillar-based Si/Ge nanowires, Physical review B, 2023, 108(23): 235426  

4.Xiong-Fei Jiang*; Long Xiong*; Ling Bai; Jie Lin; Jing-Feng Zhang; Kun Yan; Jia-Zhen Zhu; Bo Zheng*; Jian-Jun Zheng*; Structure and dynamics of human complication-disease network, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022, 164: 112633-112633

5.M. K. Wen; L. Xiong*; B. Zheng*; Depinning phase transition of antiferromagnetic skyrmions with quenched disorder, Physical Review E, 2022, 106(4): 044137

6.Z. W. Fan; L. Xiong*; B. Zheng*; Bigdata-based modeling of heterogeneous migration pattern and population distribution, EPL, 2022, 137(1): 12004      

7.L. Xiong; M. H. Jin; B. Zheng*; Thermally activated dynamics of current-driven skyrmions in random media, EPL, 2021, 136(1): 10001  

8.L. Xiong; B. Zheng*; M. H. Jin; N. J. Zhou; Anisotropic critical behavior of current driven skyrmion dynamics in chiral magnets with disorder, New Journal of Physics, 2020, 22(3): 033043

9.L. Xiong; B. Zheng*; M. H. Jin; N. J. Zhou; Collective transport properties of skyrmions on the depinning phase transition, Physical Review B, 2019, 100(6): 064426          

10.Ling Bai#; Long Xiong#; Na Zhao; Ke Xia; Xiong-Fei Jiang*; Dynamical structure of social map in ancient China, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 607: 128209      

11.Xiong-Fei Jiang*; Long Xiong; Tao Cen; Ling Bai; Na Zhao; Jiu Zhang; Chang-Juan Zheng; Tian-Ying Jiang; Analyst sentiment and earning forecast bias in financial markets, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 589: 126601 

12.Jin, M. H.; Xiong, L.; Zhou, N. J.; Zheng, B.; Zhou, T. J. ; Universality classes of the domain-wall creep motion driven by spin-transfer torques, Physical Review E, 2021, 103(6): 062119      

13.Xiong-Fei Jiang; Long Xiong; Ling Bai; Jiu Zhang; Na Zhao; Zhi-Wei Fan; Bo Zheng ; Toward economic function of elite social networks, Chinese Journal of Physics, 2023, 85: 776-785

14.Xiongfei Jiang; Long Xiong; Ling Bai; Na Zhao; Jiu Zhang; Ke Xia; Kai Deng; Bo Zheng ; Quantifying the social structure of elites in ancient China, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2021, 573: 125976


