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南颖刚 讲师


联系邮箱:[email protected]



南颖刚,男,博士,中共党员,讲师。截止20247月,已经发表了28篇文章,其中第一作者和通讯作者共有6篇文章(其中:21区、22区和23区文章)。参加国际会议并做口头报告,发表16篇会议文章,担任3家同行评审期刊Optics ExpressOptics Letters、和 Optics Communications的审稿人,担任电气电子工程师协会会员(IEEE)和美国光学学会会员(OSA)。在比利时留学期间,获得比利时国家奖学金全额资助攻读博士学位,并以主要负责人完成比利时基金委(FNRS)光纤重点项目(200万欧元)。本人在光纤传感机理、特种光栅刻写、光栅光谱模拟、特殊环境监测、gamma射线探测和聚合物光纤等方面有着较为深入的研究,研究成果备受同专业研究人员关注。



2012-2016 西安石油大学,自动化;

2016-2019 暨南大学,光学工程,导师:郭团教授;

2019-2023 University of Mons,光学工程,导师:Prof. Patrice Mégret

2023.07-2024.01 University of MonsPost doctor researcher

2024.02-今 成人直播下载-成人直播中文 ,讲师。







1.Ying-Gang Nan, Junjun Pan, Fu Liu, Xuehao Hu and Patrice Mégret, “Fiber Bragg Grating Spectra in Graded-index Multimode Optical Fibers”,IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 41, no. 13, p. 4411-4418, jul 2023.

2.Ying-Gang Nan, Ivan Chapalo, Karima Chah, Xuehao Hu and Patrice Mégret, “Through over-clad inscription of FBG in CYTOP optical fiber using phase mask technique and 400 nm femtosecond pulsed laser”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 9, p. 3031-3037, may 2022.

3.Ying-Gang Nan, Damien Kinet, Karima Chah, Ivan Chapalo, Christophe Caucheteur, and Patrice Mégret,“Ultra-fast fiber Bragg grating inscription in CYTOP polymer optical fibers using phase mask and 400 nm femtosecond laser,” Optics Express, vol. 29, no. 16, p. 25824, jul 2021.

4.Yinggang Nan, Wenping Xie, Li Min, Shunshuo Cai, Jiasheng Ni, Jun Yi, Xiaoyu Luo, Ke Wang, Ming Nie, Chang Wang, Gang-Ding Peng and Tuan Guo,“Real-Time Monitoring of Wind-Induced Vibration of High-Voltage Transmission Tower using an Optical Fiber Sensing System”,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement vol. 69, no. 1, p. 268-274, feb 2019.

5.Ying-Gang Nan, Nazila Safari Yazd, Ivan Chapalo, Karima Chah, Xuehao Hu, and Patrice Mégret,“Properties of Fiber Bragg Grating in CYTOP Fiber Response to Temperature, Humidity, and Strain Using Factorial Design”, Sensors, vol. 22, no. 5, mar 2022.

6.Xiaoyong Chen, Yinggang Nan, Xuanyue Ma, Haiyang Liu, Wei Liu, Lei Shi, Tuan Guo, In-situ detection of small biomolecule interactions using a plasmonic tilted fiber grating sensor”,  Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37 (11), 2792-2799,jun 2019.

7.Shunshuo Cai, Ying-Gang Nan, Yuhang Li, Yu Hou, Zichen Zhang, Rapid detection of hydrogen using narrow bandwidth fiber-optic spectral combs with a low limit of detection”, Optics Express 31 (22), 35616-35623, oct 2023.

8.Karima Chah, Ivan Chapalo, Ying-Gang Nan, Damien Kinet, Patrice Mégret, Christophe Caucheteur, 800 nm femtosecond pulses for direct inscription of FBGs in CYTOP polymer optical fiber”, Optics Letters 46 (17), 4272-4275, sep 2021.

9.Ivan Chapalo, Karima Chah, Andrei Gusarov, Andreas Ioannou, Andreas Pospori, Ying-Gang Nan, Kyriacos Kalli, Patrice Mégret, Gamma-radiation enhancement of sensing properties of FBGs in a few-mode polymer CYTOP fiber”, Optics Letters 48 (5), 1248-1251, mar 2023.

10.Ivan Chapalo, Andrei Gusarov, Damien Kinet, Karima Chah, Ying-Gang Nan, Patrice MégretPostirradiation transmission characteristics of CYTOP fiber exposed by gamma radiation”,IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 69 (4), 656-662, feb 2022.

