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办公地点:Room 419, Science Hall, Donglu Campus, Yunnan University

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Ke-Fei CAO

Office: Room 419, Science Hall, Donglu Campus, Yunnan University

Email:[email protected]; [email protected]

Ke-Fei CAO (曹克非), male, born November 1963, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Professor at Center for Nonlinear Complex Systems, Department of Physics, Adult live broadcast download-Adult live broadcast in Chinese. Editorial Board member of Journal of Yunnan University (Natural Sciences Edition). Research interests: Complex Networks, Nonlinear Complex Systems, Chaos, Universality, Symbolic Dynamics, Fractals, and related topics.

Supervision of Master's and Doctoral Students

Master's students (graduated: 36)

Doctoral students (graduated: 8; training: 1)

Research Experience and Appointments

1997/05-, Professor, Center for Nonlinear Complex Systems, Department of Physics, Yunnan University

1983/09-1997/05, Teaching Assistant, Lecturer (1990/07), Associate Professor (1992/12), Professor (1996/10), Department of Physics, Yunnan Institute of the Nationalities

1993/09-1995/04, Visiting Scholar, Department of Physiology and Centre for Nonlinear Studies, University of Leeds, UK

Awards and Honors

1. The First Prize, The Natural Science Awards of the 2000 Science and Technology Awards of Yunnan Province (Star Products in One-Dimensional Multi-Symbolic Dynamics, 2001/09)

2. The Second Prize, The Excellent Professional and Technical Talents with Outstanding Contributions of Yunnan Province (2000/10)

3. The Returned Overseas Students and Scholars with Outstanding Contributions by the State Education Commission and the Ministry of Personnel (1997/02)

4. The First Prize, The Natural Science Awards of Yunnan Province (Nonlinear Symbolic Dynamics and Global Feigenbaum Super-Universality, 1996/05)

5. The Government Special Allowance by the State Council of P. R. China (1993/10-)

Selected Research Projects

1. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Influence of geometry on dynamics in fractal network systems, Grant No. 11365023, 2014-2017

2. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Non-normal star products and new super-convergent universality in symbolic dynamics, Grant No. 10565004, 2006-2008

3. Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (SRFDP): Analyses of characteristic quantities and their relationships in nonlinear complex systems, Grant No. 20050673001, 2006-2008)

4. Sub-project supported by the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Projects of China (the ‘‘973’’ Program): Some important problems in nonlinear science (Complexity analysis of symbolic sequences: Complexity of symbolic sequences and new metric universality), Grant No. G2000077308, 2000-2005

5. Sub-project supported by the National Key Project for Fundamental Research (the Climbing Program): Nonlinear Science (Analysis of symbolic sequences), 1999-2000

6. Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province: The research on thermodynamic formalism and universality of chaotic phenomena in nonlinear physical systems, Grant No. 97A007G, 1997-2000

Selected Publications

1. X.-Y. Zhang, T.-Y. He, C.-Y. Xu, K.-F. Cao* and X.-S. Zhang, Theoretical investigation of the pathway-based network of type 2 diabetes mellitus-related genes, Eur. Phys. J. B 96, 86 (2023).

2. Y.-Y. Yu, C.-Y. Xu and K.-F. Cao*, An effective community detection method based on one-dimensional “attraction” in network science, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 31, 2050071 (2020).

3. J.-B. Hu, H. Wang, L. Wang, C.-Y. Xu, K.-F. Cao* and X.-S. Zhang, Characteristic analysis of the pathway-based weighted network of hypertension-related genes, Physica A 533, 122069 (2019).

4. M. Xu, C.-Y. Xu and K.-F. Cao*, Effect of degree correlations on controllability of undirected networks, Acta Phys. Sin. 66, 028901 (2017) (in Chinese).

5. M. Xu, C.-Y. Xu, H. Wang, Y.-K. Li, J.-B. Hu and K.-F. Cao*, Global and partitioned reconstructions of undirected complex networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 55 (2016).

6. H. Wang, J.-B. Hu, C.-Y. Xu, D.-H. Zhang, Q. Yan, M. Xu, K.-F. Cao* and X.-S. Zhang, A pathway-based network analysis of hypertension-related genes, Physica A 444, 928-939 (2016); 447, 569-570 (2016).

7. M. Xu, C.-Y. Xu, H. Wang, C.-Z. Deng and K.-F. Cao*, Analytical controllability of deterministic scale-free networks and Cayley trees, Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 168 (2015).

8. X.-S. Zhang* and K.-F. Cao, The impact of coinfections and their simultaneous transmission on antigenic diversity and epidemic cycling of infectious diseases, BioMed Res. Int. 2014, Article ID 375862, 23 pages (2014).

9. C.-Y. Xu, H. Wang, K.-F. Cao* and S.-L. Peng, A superconvergent universality induced by non-associativity, Phys. Lett. A 378, 1505-1509 (2014).

10. H. Wang, C.-Y. Xu, J.-B. Hu and K.-F. Cao*, A complex network analysis of hypertension-related genes, Physica A 394, 166-176 (2014).

11. W. Gao, C.-Y. Xu, S.-L. Peng, and K.-F. Cao*, Universal form of renormalizable knots in symbolic dynamics of bimodal maps, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 23, 1350160 (2013).

12. Q. Liu, K.-F. Cao*, and S.-L. Peng, A generalized KolmogorovSinai-like entropy under Markov shifts in symbolic dynamics, Physica A 388, 4333-4344 (2009).

13. Z. Zhou*, K.-F. Cao, and S.-L. Peng, New universal bifurcation scenario in one-dimensional trimodal maps, Phys. Lett. A 372, 3407-3414 (2008).

14. W.-B. Zhai, X.-Z. Chen, and K.-F. Cao*, Global multifractal relation between topological entropies and fractal dimensions, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 23, 511-518 (2005).

15. K.-F. Cao, C. Zhang, and S.-L. Peng, Topological entropy, knots and star products, The Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 2002, Évora, Portugal, 1-7 September 2002), edited by J. Sousa Ramos, D. Gronau, C. Mira, L. Reich, A. Sharkovsky, Grazer Math. Ber. 346, 61-72 (2004).

16. Y.-Y. Zhang and K.-F. Cao*, Metric universalities and systems of renormalization group equations for bimodal maps, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 21, 457-471 (2004).

17. K.-F. Cao and S.-L. Peng*, Homology of vertex and edge shift matrices in symbolic dynamics and entropy invariants, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 17, 4308-4315 (2003).

18. K.-F. Cao*, X.-S. Zhang, Z. Zhou, and S.-L. Peng, Devil’s carpet of topological entropy and complexity of global dynamical behavior, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 16, 709-726 (2003).

19. Z. Zhou* and K.-F. Cao, An effective numerical method of the word-lifting technique in one-dimensional multimodal maps, Phys. Lett. A 310, 52-59 (2003).

20. K.-F. Cao*, Z. Zhou, W. Gao, and S.-L. Peng, General form of superuniversality for fractal dimensions in one-dimensional maps, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 15, 4183-4197 (2001).

21. K.-F. Cao and S.-L. Peng, Complexity of routes to chaos and global regularity of fractal dimensions in bimodal maps, Phys. Rev. E 60, 2745-2760 (1999).

22. S.-L. Peng, X.-S. Zhang, and K.-F. Cao, Dual star products and metric universality in symbolic dynamics of three letters, Phys. Lett. A 246, 87-96 (1998).

23. S.-L. Peng and K.-F. Cao, Global scaling behaviors and chaotic measure characterized by the convergent rates of period-p-tupling bifurcations, Phys. Rev. E 54, 3211-3220 (1996).

24. J.-X. Shi, K.-F. Cao, T.-L. Guo and S.-L. Peng, Metric universality for the devils staircase of topological entropy, Phys. Lett. A 211, 25-28 (1996).

25. K.-F. Cao, Z.-X. Chen, and S.-L. Peng, Global metric regularity of the devils staircase of topological entropy, Phys. Rev. E 51, 1989-1995 (1995).

26. Z.-X. Chen, K.-F. Cao, and S.-L. Peng, Symbolic dynamics analysis of topological entropy and its multifractal structure, Phys. Rev. E 51, 1983-1988 (1995).

27. S.-L. Peng, K.-F. Cao, and Z.-X. Chen, Devils staircase of topological entropy and global metric regularity, Phys. Lett. A 193, 437-443 (1994); 196, 378 (1995).

28. K.-F. Cao and S.-L. Peng, Universal scaling of generalized dimensions on critical strange sets, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 25, 589-599 (1992).

29. K.-F. Cao, R.-L. Liu, and S.-L. Peng, A new universality for fractal dimensions of Feigenbaum-type attractors, Phys. Lett. A 136, 213-215 (1989).

30. S.-L. Peng and K.-F. Cao, A new global regularity of fractal dimensions on critical points of transitions to chaos, Phys. Lett. A 131, 261-264 (1988); 133, 543 (1988).