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郑波 教授


联系邮箱:[email protected]




个人网页:   //person.zju.edu.cn/0001056‍


1978. 3 – 1982. 2    中山大学物理系,本科生,获理学学士

1982. 3 – 1985. 2    中山大学物理系,硕士生,获理学硕士

1985. 3 – 1988. 2    中山大学物理系,博士生,获理学博士


1988 – 1996    中山大学物理系,讲师

1990 – 1997    德国Siegen University,研究助理

1997 – 2002    德国马丁路德-Halle University,研究助理

2001 – 2020    浙江大学物理系,教育部长江学者、特聘教授

2010 – 2017    浙江大学物理系,系主任(院长)

2020 – 2023    成人直播下载-成人直播中文 ,特聘教授、院长


Specialist Editor of Computer Physics Communications2006 -2021;

Editorial Board of Chinese Physics B2009 – 2021;

《物理学报》编委,2009 - 2021;



International Advisory Committee, Dynamic Days Asia Pacific 7 & 10, 2012 & 2018, 2022;

Academic Committee, International Conference on Econophysics, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2021, 2023










2011协同创新计划成员(南京大学、中国科技大学、上海复旦大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学,2015 -






1.    L.L. Nian, S.Q. Hu, L. Xiong, J.T. Lü, and B. Zheng, Photon-assisted electron transport across a quantum phase transition, Phys. Rev. B 108 (2023), 085430

2.    L.F. Jin, B. Zheng, J.H. Ma, J. Zhang, L. Xiong, X.F. Jiang, and J.C. Li, Empirical study and model simulation of global stock market dynamics during COVID-19, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 159 (2022), 112138.

3.    L. Xiong, B. Zheng, M.H. Jin, and N.J. Zhou, 2020, Anisotropic critical behavior of current-driven skyrmion dynamics in chiral magnets with disorder, New J. Phys. 22, 033043.

4.    L. Xiong, B. Zheng, M.H. Jin, and N.J. Zhou, 2019, Collective transport properties of skyrmions on the depinning phase transition, Phys. Rev. B 100, 064426.

5.    T.T. Chen, B. Zheng,Y. Li, and X.F. Jiang, 2018, Temporal correlation functions of dynamic systems in non-stationary states, New J. Phys. 20, 073005.  

6.    L. Xiong, B. Zheng, M.H. Jin, L. Wang, and N.J. Zhou, 2018, Dynamic depinning phase transition in magnetic thin film with anisotropy, New J. Phys. 20, 023027. 

7.    T. Qiu, B. Zheng, F. Ren and S. Trimper, 2006, Return-volatility correlation in financial dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 73, 065103(R), Rapid Comm..

8.    S.Z. Lin, B. Zheng and S. Trimper, 2006, Computer simulations of two-dimensional melting with dipole-dipole interactions, Phys. Rev. E 73, 066106.

9.    B. Zheng, M. Schulz and S. Trimper, 1999, Deterministic Equations of Motion and Dynamic Critical Phenomena, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1891-1894.

10.   H.J. Luo, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, 1998, Dynamic Approach to the Fully Frustrated XY Model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 180-183.


143.   L.L. Nian, S.Q. Hu, L. Xiong, J.T. Lü, and B. Zheng, Photon-assisted electron transport across a quantum phase transition, Phys. Rev. B 108 (2023), 085430. Aug. 28.

142.   W.Y. Peng, T.T. Chen, B. Zheng, and X.F. Jiang, Spreading Dynamics of Capital Flow Transfer in Complex Financial Networks, Entropy 25 (2023), 1240. Aug. 21.

141.   X.F. Jiang, L. Xiong, L. Bai, J. Zhang, N. Zhao, Z.W. Fan, B. Zheng, Toward economic function of elite social networks, Chin. J. Phys. 85 (2023), 776–785. Aug. 14.

140.   J.G. Wang, C.H. Zeng, X. Han, Z.Q. Ma, and B. Zheng, Detecting early warning signals of financial crisis in spatial endogenous credit model using patch-size distribution, Physica A 625 (2023), 128925. June 24.

139.   L.L. Nian, B. Zheng, and J.T. Lü, Electrically driven photon statistics engineering in quantum-dot circuit quantum electrodynamics, Phys. Rev. B 107 (2023), L241405. June 14

138.   S.M. Zangi, C. Shukla, A. ur Rahman, and B. Zheng, Entanglement Swapping and Swapped Entanglement, Entropy 25 (2023), 415. Feb. 25.

137.   Y.J. He, Y.X. Xia, J.T. Mei, K.S. Zhou, C.Y. Jiang, J.T. Pan, D.F. Zheng, B. Zheng, and H. Zhang, Topological charge-density-vector method of identifying filaments of scroll waves, Phys. Rev. E 107 (2023), 014217. Jan. 30.

136.   M.K. Wen, L. Xiong, and B. Zheng, Depinning phase transition of antiferromagnetic skyrmions with quenched disorder, Phys. Rev. E106 (2022), 044137. Oct. 26.

135.   X.F. Jiang, L. Xiong, L. Bai, J. Lin, J.F. Zhang, K. Yan, J.Z. Zhu, B. Zheng, J.J. Zheng, Structure and dynamics of human complication-disease network, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 159 (2022), 112633. Sep. 12.

134.   L.F. Jin, B. Zheng, J.H. Ma, J. Zhang, L. Xiong, X.F. Jiang, and J.C. Li, Empirical study and model simulation of global stock market dynamics during COVID-19, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 159 (2022), 112138. April 26.

133.   Z.Q. Ma, Y.H. Luo, C.H. Zeng, B. Zheng, Spatiotemporal diffusion as early warning signal for critical transitions in spatial tumor-immune system with stochasticity, Phys. Rev. Res. 4 (2022), 023039. April 14.

132.   Z.Q. Ma, C.H. Zeng, B. Zheng, Relaxation time as an indicator of critical transition to a eutrophic lake state: The role of stochastic resonance, EPL 137 (2022), 42001. Feb.

131.   J. Zhang, L.F. Jin, B. Zheng, Y. Li, and X.F. Jiang, Simplified calculations of time correlation functions in non-stationary complex financial systems, Physica A 589 (2022), 126615. Jan.

130.   Z.W. Fan, L. Xiong, and B. Zheng, Bigdata-based investigation of heterogeneous migration and population distribution, EPL 137 (2022), 12004. Jan.

129.   L. Xiong, M.H. Jin, and B. Zheng, Thermally activated dynamics of current-driven skyrmions in random media, EPL 136 (2021), 10001. Oct.

128.   C. Yang, C.H. Zeng and B. Zheng, Prediction of regime shifts under spatial indicators in gene transcription regulation systems, EPL 135 (2021),58002. Sep.

127.   Y.J. He, Q.H. Li, K.S. Zhou, R.H. Jiang, C.Y. Jiang, J.T. Pan, D.F. Zheng, B. Zheng, and H. Zhang, Topological charge-density method of identifying phase singularities in cardiac fibrillation, Phys. Rev. E 104 (2021), 014213. July 20.

126.   M.H. Jin, L. Xiong, N.J. Zhou, B. Zheng, and T.J. Zhou, Universality classes of the domain-wall creep motion driven by spin-transfer torques, Phys. Rev. E 103 (2021), 062119. June 14.

125.   X.F. Jiang, L. Xiong, L. Bai, N. Zhao, J. Zhang, K. Xia, K. Deng, and B. Zheng, Quantifying the social structure of elites in ancient China, Physica A 573 (2021), 125976. March 29.

124.   L. Xiong, B. Zheng, M.H. Jin, and N.J. Zhou, Anisotropic critical behavior of current-driven skyrmion dynamics in chiral magnets with disorder, New J. Phys. 22 (2020), 033043. March 24. 4 citations

123.   L. Xiong, B. Zheng, M.H. Jin, and N.J. Zhou, Collective transport properties of skyrmions on the depinning phase transition, Phys. Rev. B 100 (2019), 064426. Aug 1. 10 citations

122.   M.H. Jin, N.J. Zhou, L. Xiong, and B. Zheng, Depinning phase transitions of current- and field-driven domain wall motion, J. Stat. Mech.(2019), 053303. 2 citation

121.   X.W. Lei, N.J. Zhou, Y.Y. He, and B. Zheng, Spin-reorientation critical dynamics in the two-dimensional XY model with a domain wall, Phys. Rev. E 99 (2019), 022129. Feb. 19.  1 citations

120.   T.C. Li, B.W. Li, B. Zheng, H. Zhang, A. Panfilov, and H. Dierckx, A quantitative theory for phase locking of meandering spiral waves in a rotating external field, New J. Phys. 21 (2019), 043012. Feb. 22.

119.    F.Y. Ouyang, B. Zheng, and X.F. Jiang, Dynamic fluctuations of cross-correlations in multi-time scale, Physica A 517 (2019), 515-521.

118.   Y. Li, X.F. Jiang, Y. Tian, S.B. Li, and B. Zheng, Portfolio optimization based on network topology, Physica A 515 (2019), 671-681. 3 citations

117.   T.C. Li, D.B. Pan, K.S. Zhou, R.H. Jiang, C.Y. Jiang, B. Zheng, and H. Zhang, Jacobian-determinant method of identifying phase singularity during reentry, Phys. Rev. E 98 (2018), 062405. Dec. 11

116.   M.H. Jin, B. Zheng, L. Xiong, N.J. Zhou, and L. Wang, Numerical simulations of critical dynamics in anisotropic magnetic films with stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, Phys. Rev. E 98 (2018), 022126. Aug. 1.

115.   T.T. Chen, B. Zheng, Y. Li, and X.F. Jiang, Temporal correlation functions of dynamic systems in non-stationary states, New J. Phys. 20 (2018), 073005. July 4.

114.   L. Xiong, B. Zheng, M.H. Jin, L. Wang, and N.J. Zhou, Dynamic depinning phase transition in magnetic thin film with anisotropy, New J. Phys. 20 (2018), 023027. Feb. 9.

113.   T.T. Chen, B. Zheng, Y. Li, and X.F. Jiang, Information driving force and its application in agent-based modeling, Physica A 496 (2018), 593-601. April 15

112.   Y. Li, B. Zheng, T.T. Chen, and X.F. Jiang, Fluctuation-driven price dynamics and investment strategies, PloS One 12 (2017),e0189274. Dec. 14

111.   T.C. Li, X. Gao, F.F. Zheng, D.B. Pan, B. Zheng, and H. Zhang, A theory for spiral wave drift induced by ac and polarized electric fields in chemical excitable media, Sci. Rep. 7 (2017), 8657. Aug. 17.

110.   T.T. Chen, B. Zheng, Y. Li, and X.F. Jiang, New approaches in agent-based modeling of complex financial systems, Front. Phys. 12 (2017), 128905. Jan. 6. 2 citations

109.   X.F. Jiang, F. Ren, T. Qiu, and B. Zheng, Localized motion in random matrix decomposition of complex financial systems, Physica A 471 (2017), 154-161. April 1. 1 citation

108.   X.F. Jiang, B. Zheng, T. Qiu, and F. Ren, Extreme-volatility dynamics in crude oil markets, Euro. Phys. J. B90 (2017), 30. Feb. 13. 1 citation

107.   Y.Y. He, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Dynamic effects of quenched disorder on domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires, Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016), 134302. Oct. 7. 1 citation

106.   L. Tan, J.J. Chen, B. Zheng, and F.Y. Ouyang, Exploring market state and stock interactions on the minute times cale, PloS One 11 (2016), e0149648. Feb. 22.

105.   F .Y. Ouyang, B. Zheng and X.F. Jiang, Intrinsic multi-scale dynamic behaviors of complex financial systems, PloS One 10 (2015),e0139420. Oct., 4 citations

104.   J.J. Chen, B. Zheng and L. Tan, Agent-based model with multi-level herding in complex financial dynamics, Sci. Rep. 5 (2015), 8399. Feb., 8 citations

103.   L. Tan, B. Zheng, J.J. Chen and X.F. Jiang, How volatilities nonlocal in time affect the price dynamics in complex financial systems, PloS One 10 (2015), e0118399. Feb., 7 citations

102.   N.J. Zhou and B. Zheng, Nonsteady dynamic properties of a domain wall for the creep state under an alternating driving field, Phys. Rev. E 90 (2014), 012104. July, 2 citations

101.   L. Wang, N.J. Zhou and B. Zheng, Corrections to scaling in the dynamic approach to the phase transition with quenched disorder, EPL 107 (2014), 16001. July, 2 citations

100.   X.F. Jiang, T.T. Chen and B. Zheng, Structure of local interactions in complex financial dynamics, Sci. Rep. 4 (2014), 5321. June, 18 citations

99.    F.Y. Ouyang, B. Zheng and X.F. Jiang, Spatial and temporal structures of four financial markets in Greater China, Physica A 402 (2014), 236-244 Feb., 5 citations

98.    J.J. Chen, B. Zheng and L. Tan, Agent-Based Model with Asymmetric Trading and Herding for Complex Financial Systems, PloS One 8 (2013), e79531 (11 pages) Nov., 12 citations

97.    X.F. Jiang, T.T. Chen, and B. Zheng, Time-reversal asymmetry in financial systems, Physica A392 (2013), 5369–5375. Nov.,  11 citations

96.    N.J. Zhou, B. Zheng and J.H. Dai, Dynamic approach to finite-temperature magnetic phase transitions in the extended J(1)-J(2) model with vacancy order, Phys. Rev. E87 (2013), 022113 (9 pages). Feb., 2 citations

95.    R.H. Dong, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Hamiltonian equation of motion and depinning phase transition in two-dimensional magnets, EPL 99 (2012), 56001 (6 pages). Sep., 3 citations 

94.    R.H. Dong, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Creep motion of a domain wall in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model with a driving field, EPL 98 (2012), 36002 (6 pages). May, 6 citations

93.    X.P. Qin, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Depinning phase transition in the two-dimensional clock model with quenched randomness, Phys. Rev. E 86 (2012), 031129 (10 pages). Sep., 2 citations

92.    X.P. Qin, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Universality class of the depinning transition in the two-dimensional Ising model with quenched disorder, J. Phys. A 45 (2012), 115001 (13 pages). Mar., 10 citations

91.    X.F. Jiang and B. Zheng, Anti-correlation and subsector structure in financial systems, EPL 97 (2012), 48006 (6 pages). Feb., 31 citations

90.    X.P. Qin, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Dynamic relaxation of topological defect at Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition, J. Phys. A44 (2011), 345005 (15pages). Aug., 1 citation

89.    N.J. Zhou, B. Zheng and D.P. Landau, Relaxation-to-creep transition of domain-wall motion in ultrathin ferromagnetic and ferroelectric films, EPL 92 (2010), 36001 (6 pages). Nov., 9 citations

88.    N.J. Zhou and B. Zheng, Dynamic effect of overhangs and islands at the depinning transition in two-dimensional magnets, Phys. Rev. E82 (2010), 031139 (9 pages). Sep., 14 citations

87.    T. Qiu, B. Zheng and G. Chen, Financial network with static and dynamic thresholds, New J. Phys. 12 (2010), 043057. Apr.,  37 citations

86.    F. Ren and B. Zheng, Modeling interaction of trading volume in financial dynamics, Physica A 389 (2010), 2744 - 2750. July 1 citation

85.    S.G. Kong, W.L. Fan, H.D. Chen, Z.T. Hsu, N.J. Zhou, B. Zheng and H.C. Lee, Inverse symmetry in genomes and whole-genome inverse duplication, PloS ONE 4 (2009), e7553. Nov.

84.    N.J. Zhou, B. Zheng and Y.Y. He, Short-time domain-wall dynamics in the random-field Ising model with a driving field, Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009), 134425 (7 pages). Oct., 18 citations

83.    J. Shen and B. Zheng, On return-volatility correlation in financial dynamics, Europhys. Lett. 88 (2009), 28003 (6 pages). Oct., 20 citations

82.    J. Shen, B. Zheng, H. Lin and T. Qiu, Dynamic relaxation of financial indices, Mod. Phys. Lett. B23 (2009) 2889-2897. Sep.,  1 citation

81.    J. Shen and B. Zheng, Cross-correlation in financial dynamics, Europhys. Lett. 86 (2009), 48005 (6 pages). May, 59 citations

80.    R.H. Dong, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Critical domain-wall dynamics of model B, Phys. Rev. E79(2009), 051125 (4 pages). May.

79.    Y.Y. He, B. Zheng and N.J. Zhou, Logarithmic correction to scaling in domain-wall dynamics at Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition, Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009), 021107 (8 pages). Feb., 5 citations

78.    S.Z. Lin and B. Zheng, Short-time critical dynamics at perfect and imperfect surfaces, Phys. Rev. E 78 (2008), 011127 (9 pages). July, 10 citations

77.    N.J. Zhou and B. Zheng, Nonequilibrium critical dynamics with domain wall and surface, Phys. Rev. E7 7 (2008), 051104 (11 pages). May, 16 citations

76.    V. V. Prudnikov, P.V. Prudnikov, Zheng B, S.V. Dorofeev and V.Y. Kolesnikovi, Short-time critical dynamics of the three-dimensional systems with long-range correlated disorder, Prog. Theo. Phys. 117 (2007), 973-991. June, 17 citations

75.    L.X. Zhong, D.F. Zheng, B. Zheng, C. Xu and P.M. Hui, Evolutionary snowdrift game with an additional strategy in fully connected networks and regular lattices, Physica A 383 (2007), 631 - 642. Sep., 8 citations

74.    A. Asad and B. Zheng, Non-equilibrium critical dynamics of the two-dimensional XY model with Hamiltonian equations of motion, J. Phys. A 40 (2007), 9957 -9968. Aug., 4 citations

73.    N.J. Zhou and B. Zheng, Non-equilibrium critical dynamics with domain interface, Europhys. Lett. 78 (2007), 56001 (4 pages), June; Correction, 88 (2009), 29902. Oct., 12 citations

72.    T. Qiu, B. Zheng, F. Ren and S. Trimper, Statistical properties of German Dax and Chinese indices, Physica A 378 (2007), 387-398. May, 23 citations

71.    X.W. Lei and B. Zheng, Short-time critical dynamics and aging phenomena in the two-dimensional XY model, Phys. Rev. E 75 (2007), 040104 (R) (4 pages), Rapid. Comm.. April, 27 citations

70.    X.Y. He, H. Zhang, B.B. Hu, Z.J. Cao, B. Zheng and G. Hu, Control of defect-mediated turbulence in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation via ordered waves, New J. Phys. 9 (2007) 66 (16 pages). March, 22 citations

69.    X.W. Lei, B. Zheng and H.P. Ying, A numerical study on the aging of two-dimensional spin systems, Acta Physica Sinica 56 (2007), 1713 - 1718.  March, 2 citations

68.    F. Ren, B. Zheng, T. Qiu and S. Trimper, Minority games with score-dependent and agent-dependent payoffs, Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006), 041111 (8 pages). Oct., 20 citations

67.    L.X. Zhong, D.F. Zheng, B. Zheng, C. Xu and P.M. Hui, Networking effects on cooperation in evolutionary snowdrift game, Europhys. Lett. 76 (2006), 724 - 730. Nov., 71 citations

66.    T. Qiu, B. Zheng, F. Ren and S. Trimper, Return-volatility correlation in financial dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 73 (2006), 065103(R) (4 pages), Rapid Comm.. June, 42 citations

65.    J.Q. Du, B. Zheng and J.S. Wang, Dynamic critical exponents for Swendsen-Wang and Wolff algorithms obtained by a nonequilibrium relaxation method, J. Stat. Mech.-Theory Exp.(2006), P05004 (13 pages). May, 9 citations

64.    J.Q. Yin, B. Zheng V.V. Prudnikov and S. Trimper, Short-time dynamics and critical behavior of three-dimensional bond-diluted Potts model, Euro. Phys. J. B 49 (2006), 195-203. Jan., 21 citations

63.    F. Ren, B. Zheng, T. Qiu and S. Trimper,  Score-dependent payoffs and minority games, Physica A 371 (2006), 649 - 657. Nov. 15, 6 citations

62.    J.W. Yuang, B. Zheng, C.P. Pan, Y.Z. Wu and S. Trimper, Dynamic scaling behavior of human brain electroencephalogram, Physica A 364 (2006), 315 - 323. May 15, 5 citations

61.    S.Z. Lin, B. Zheng and S. Trimper, Computer simulations of two-dimensional melting with dipole-dipole interactions, Phys. Rev. E 73 (2006), 066106 (9 pages). June, 46 citations

60.    F.P. Jin, Z.X. Xu, H.P. Ying and B. Zheng, On the effect of a regular S=1 dilution of S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains obtained from quantum Monte Carlo simulations, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 17 (2005), 5541-5549. Sep., 14.

59.    L.X. Zhong, D. F. Zheng and B. Zheng, Effects of contrarians in the minority game, Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005), 026134 (6 pages). Aug., 25 citations

58.    J.Q. Yin, B. Zheng and S. Trimper, Dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional random-bond Potts model, Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005), 036122 (9 pages). Sep., 18 citations

57.    Y.Q. Fu, H. Zhang, Z.J. Cao, B. Zheng and G. Hu, Removal of a pinned spiral by generating target waves with a localized stimulus, Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005), 046206 (5 pages). Oct., 41 citations

56.    D.F. Zheng, P.M. Hui, S. Trimper and B. Zheng, Epidemics and dimensionality in hierarchical networks, Physica A 352 (2005), 659-668. Jul. 15, 27 citations

55.    F. Ren, B. Zheng, H. Lin, L.Y. Wen and S Trimper, Persistence probabilities of the German DAX and Shanghai index, Physica A 350 (2005), 439-450. May 15, 21 citations

54.    J.Q. Yin, B. Zheng and S. Trimper, Critical behavior of the two-dimensional random-bond Potts model: A short-time dynamic approach, Phys. Rev. E 70 (2004), 056134 (8 pages). Nov., 14 citations

53.    P. Pan, B. Zheng, Y.Z. Wu, Y. Wang and X.W. Tang, Detrended fluctuation analysis of human brain electroencephalogram, Phys. Lett. A 329 (2004), 130-135. Aug. 16, 19 citations

52.    N. Hu, B. Zheng and T. Qiu, Two-phase phenomenon in financial markets, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 18 (2004), 2492 - 2497. July, 4 citations

51.    B. Zheng, T. Qiu and F. Ren, Two-phase phenomena, minority games, and herding models, Phys. Rev. E69 (2004), 046115 (6 pages). April,  40 citations

50.    B. Zheng, F. Ren, S. Trimper and D.F. Zheng, A generalized dynamic herding model with feed-back interactions, Physica A 343 (2004), 653-661. Nov. 15, 25 citations 

49.    B. Zheng, F. Ren and H. Ren, Corrections to scaling in two-dimensional dynamic XY and fully frustrated XY models, Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003), 046120 (9 pages). Oct., 23 citations

48.    Z.X. Xu, J.H. Dai, H.P. Ying and B. Zheng, Successive valence-bond-state transitions in quantum mixed spin chainsPhys. Rev. B 67 (2003), 214426 (5 pages). June, 4 citations

47.    F. Ren and B. Zheng, Generalized persistence probability in a dynamic economic index, Phys. Lett. A3 13 (2003), 312 - 315. July 7, 26 citations

46.    D.F. Zheng, S. Trimper, B. Zheng and P.M. Hui, Weighted scale-free networks with stochastic weight assignments, Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003), 040102(R) (4 pages), Rapid Comm.. April,  60 citations

45.    B. Zheng, Generic features of fluctuations in critical systems, Phys. Rev. E6 7 (2003), 026114 (4 pages). Feb., 16 citations

44.    B. Zheng, Persistence probability in financial dynamics, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 16 (2002), 775-782. Sep. 10, 23 citations

43.    B. Zheng, Reply to "Comment on 'Deterministic equations of motion and phase ordering dynamics'", Phys. Rev. E 65 (2002), 058102 (1 pages). May.

42.    B. Zheng and S. Trimper, Comment on "universal fluctuations in correlated systems", Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001), 188901. Oct., 18 citations

41.    H.J. Luo, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Short-time critical dynamics of the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model, Phys. Rev. E 64 (2001), 036123 (7 pages). Sep., 16+7 citations

40.    H. P. Ying, B. Zheng, Y. Yu and S. Trimper, Corrections to scaling for the two-dimensional dynamic XY model, Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001), 035101(R) (4 pages), Rapid Comm.. March, 11+7 citations

39.    B. Zheng, V. Linke and S. Trimper, Phase ordering dynamics of phi(4) theory with Hamiltonian equations of motion, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 15 (2001), 1135-1145. Mar. 30.

38.    P. M. Gleiser, S. A. Cannas, F. A. Tamarit and B. Zheng, Long-range effects in granular avalanching, Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001), 042301 (4 pages). April, 5 citations

37.    B. Zheng and H. J. Luo, Monte Carlo simulations of short-time critical dynamics with a conserved quantity, Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001), 066130 (8 pages). June, 11 citations

36.    B. Zheng, Monte Carlo simulations of critical dynamics with conserved order parameter, Phys. Lett. A 277 (2000), 257-261, April; Correction, A282 (2001), 132-132. Dec., 9 citations

35.    L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Dynamic approach to weak first-order phase transitions, Phys. Rev. E6 2 (2000), 7482-7485. Nov.. cited 47 times

34.    B. Zheng, Deterministic equations of motion and phase ordering dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 61 (2000), 153-156. Jan.. cited 12 times

33.    B. Zheng, Monte Carlo simulations and numerical solutions of short-time critical dynamics, Physica A 283 (2000), 80-85. Aug. 1. cited 25 times

32.    B. Zheng, M. Schulz and S. Trimper, Deterministic equations of motion and dynamic critical phenomena, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999), 1891-1894. March 1. cited 62 times

31.    B. Zheng, Microscopic deterministic dynamics and persistence exponent, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 13 (1999), 631-638. Aug. 10. cited 2 times

30.    H.J. Luo, L. Schülke, B. Zheng, The critical exponent theta ' in spin glasses, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 13 (1999), 417-422. June 10. cited 11 times

29.    B. Zheng, M. Schulz and S. Trimper, Dynamic simulations of the Kosterlitz Thouless phase transition, Phys. Rev. E 59 (1999), R1351-1354, Rapid Comm.. Feb.. cited 22+18 times

28.    B. Zheng, M. Schulz and S. Trimper, Monte Carlo simulations of a generalized n-spin facilitated kinetic Ising model, Phys. Rev. B 59 (1999), 6717 -6721. March. cited 10 times

27.    B. Zheng, Monte Carlo simulations of short-time critical dynamics, Comput. Phys. Commun. 121 (1999), 338-340. Oct.. cited 1 times

26.    A. Jaster, J. Mainville, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Short-time critical dynamics of the three-dimensional Ising model, J. Phys. A 32 (1999), 1395-1406. Feb. 16. cited 73 times

25.    H.J. Luo, M. Schulz, L. Schülke, S. Trimper and B. Zheng, Short-time dynamic behaviour of critical XY systems, Phys. Lett. A 250 (1998), 383-388. Dec. 28. cited 15 times

24.    H.P. Ying, H.J. Luo, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Dynamic Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional quantum XY model, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 12 (1998), 1237-1243. Dec. 30. cited 16 times

23.    H.J. Luo, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Dynamic approach to the fully frustrated XY model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998), 180-183. July 6. cited 111 times

22.    K. Okano, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Dynamic SU(2) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature, Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998), 1411-1414. Feb.. cited 19 times

21.    H.J. Luo, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Universal short-time behavior of the dynamic fully frustrated XY model, Phys. Rev. E 57 (1998), 1327-1334. Feb.. cited 31 times

20.    K. Okano, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Short-time critical dynamics of statistical systems and field theory, Found. Phys. 27 (1997), 1739-1764. Dec.. cited 2 times

19.    Z.B. Li, X.W. Liu, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, The short-time behaviour of a kinetic Ashkin-Teller model on the critical line, Physica A 245 (1997), 485-493. Nov. 1. cited 13 times

18.    H.J. Luo and B. Zheng, Critical relaxation and critical exponents, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 11 (1997), 615-623. June 20. cited 21 times

17.    L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Monte Carlo measurement of the global persistence exponent, Phys. Lett. A2 33 (1997), 93-98. Aug. 18. cited 31 times

16.    K. Okano, L. Schülke, K. Yamagishi and B. Zheng, Monte Carlo simulation of the short-time behaviour of the dynamic XY-model, J. Phys. A 30 (1997), 4527-4535. July 7. cited 22 times

15.    K. Okano, L. Schülke, K. Yamagishi and B. Zheng, Universality and scaling in short-time critical dynamics, Nucl. Phys. B 485[FS] (1997), 727-746. Feb. 10. cited 73 times

14.    L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Monte Carlo simulation of critical dynamic spin systems, Nucl. Phys. (Proc. Suppl.) B 53 (1997), 712-714. Feb..

13.    B. Zheng, Generalized dynamic scaling for critical relaxations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996), 679-682. cited 38 times

12.    L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Determination of the critical point and critical exponents from the short-time dynamics, Phys. Lett. A 215 (1996), 81-85. cited 39 times

11.    Z.B. Li, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Finite Size Scaling and Critical Exponents in Critical Relaxation, Phys. Rev. E 53 (1996), 2940-2948. cited 82 times

10.    L. Schülke and B. Zheng, The short-time dynamics of the critical Potts model, Phys. Lett. A 204 (1995), 295-298. cited 80 times

9.      Z.B. Li, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Dynamic Monte Carlo measurement of Critical exponents, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995), 3396-3398. cited 140 times

8.      Z.B. Li, U. Ritschel and B. Zheng, Monte Carlo simulation of universal short-time behavior in critical relaxation, J. Phys. A 27 (1994), L837-842. cited 87 times

7.      K. Fujimura, K. Okano, L. Schülke, K. Yamagishi and B. Zheng, On the segregation phenomenon in complex Langevin simulation, Nucl. Phys. B 424[FS] (1994), 675-689. cited 14 times

6.      S. Marculescu, K. Okano, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Background field method in stochastic quantization: Two loop renormalization of a dynamical Yang-Mills field in Zwanziger Gauge, Nucl. Phys. B 417[FS] (1994), 579-607. cited 7 times

5.      K. Okano, L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Complex Langevin simulation, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 111 (1993), 313-347. cited 11 times

4.      L. Schülke and B. Zheng, Kernel control of complex Langevin simulation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 3 (1992), 195-208. cited 3 times

3.      K. Okano, L. Schülke an B. Zheng, Kernel controlled complex Langevin simulation --- Field dependent kernel, Phys. Lett. B 258 (1991), 421-426. cited 16 times

2.      B. Zheng and Guo Shuohong, Solvable 1+1 dimensional SU(N) gauge model and the corresponding lattice model, J. Phys. G 17 (1991), 565-571.

1.      Zheng Bo, Exact ground state and string tension in 1+1 dimensional lattice SU(N) gauge theory, Phys. Rev. D 41 (1990), 564-570. 1 citation


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4.    郑波,Massive格点Schwinger模型的准确基态和弦张力,《高能物理与核物理》13(1989)956-960。 

5. 郑波、郭硕鸿,一个可解的1+1维U(1)规范模型,《高能物理与核物理》,14(1990)152-155。 

6. 郑波、郭硕鸿,一个1+1维格点U(1)规范模型的准确求解,《高能物理与核物理》14(1990)282-285。 

7. 郑波,可解的1+1维格点U(1)规范模型与费米子加倍问题,《高能物理与核物理》14(1990)375-379。 

Review articles 

1.    B. Zheng, Monte Carlo simulations of short-time critical dynamics, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B12 (1998), 1419-1484. June 10.  SCI citations 254, Google 297

2.    B. Zheng, Numerical Simulations of Critical Dynamics far from Equilibrium,in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVII, 2004, edited by D.P. Landau, Springer.

3.    B. Zheng, 金融市场的微观动力学及其数值模拟研究, 《管理学报》 6 卷 (2009年) 12 期, 1608-1613. Dec.

4.    B. Zheng, 金融动力学的时空关联与大波动特性 - 兼谈中西方金融市场的对比研究, 《物理》 39 卷 (2010年) 2 期, 95-100. Feb. 12.

5.    B. Zheng, X.F. Jiang, and P.Y. Ni, A mini-review on econophysics -- comparative study of Chinese and western financial markets, Chin. Phys. B23 (2014), 078903. July  SCI citations 11, Google 15