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胡世谦 研究员


联系邮箱:[email protected]



胡世谦,男,博士,中共党员,研究员,博士生导师。入选云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”青年人才专项,云南省基础研究计划优青青年项目,曾任日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,云南省基础研究计划2项(优秀青年项目1项);已在 Nat. Commun., Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., Matt. Today Phys. 等业内主流期刊上发表了论文37篇。




2017.04-2017.08 新加坡国立大学物理系,访问学者

2012.09-2017.12 同济大学物理与工程成人直播下载 ,博士

2018.08-2020.10 东京大学机械工程成人直播下载 ,JSPS特别研究员

2020.12-今 成人直播下载-成人直播中文 ,研究员




2.日本JSPS-KAKENHI科研项目:Management of the coherent phonons transport in low dimensional materials





1. Chen, Rongkun; Hu, Shiqian*; Ren, Weina*; Zeng, Chunhua*; Modulating phonon transport in bilayer black phosphorus: Unraveling the interplay of strain and interlayer quasicovalent bonds., Physical Review B, 109: 165413 (2024).

2. Liu, Yinong; Zheng, Weidong; Li, Shouhang; Hu, Shiqian*; Shao, Cheng*; Non-monotonic thermal conductivity modulation in colloidal quantum dot superlattices via ligand engineering., Materials Today Physics, 101431 (2024).

3. Yue, Jincheng#; Hu, Shiqian#*; Xu, Bin*; Chen, Rongkun; Xiong, Long; Guo, Rulei; Li, Yuanzhe; Nian, Lei-lei; Shiomi Junichiro*; Zhen, Bo*; Unraveling the mechanisms of thermal boundary conductance at the graphene-silicon interface: Insights from ballistic, diffusive, and localized phonon transport regimes., Physical Review B, 109: 115302 (2024).

4. Chen, Rongkun#; Tian, Yu#; Cao, Jiayi; Ren, Weina*; Hu, Shiqian*; Zeng, Chunhua*; Unified deep learning network for enhanced accuracy in predicting thermal conductivity of bilayer graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, and their heterostructures., Journal of Applied Physics, 135: 145106 (2024).

5. Tian, Shuang; Wu, Tianheng; Hu, Shiqian*; Ma, Dengke*; Zhang, Lifa; Boosting phonon transport across AlN/SiC interface by fast annealing amorphous layers. Applied Physics Letters, 124: 042202 (2024).

6. Li, Yi#; Liu, Yinong#; Hu, Shiqian*; Phonon resonance modulation in weak van der Waals heterostructures: Controlling thermal transport in graphenesilicon nanoparticle systems., Chinese Physics B, 33: 047401 (2024).

7. Liu, Yingzhou#; Liu, Yinong#; Yue, Jincheng; Xiong, Long*; Nian, Lei-Lei*; Hu, Shiqian*; Modulation of interface modes for resonance-induced enhancement of the interfacial thermal conductance in pillar-based Si/Ge nanowires., Physical Review B, 108: 235426 (2023).

8. Nian, Lei-Lei; Bai, Long*; Hu, Shiqian*; Vibration squeezing and its detection in a single molecular junction., Physical Review B, 107: 245428 (2023).

9. Nian, Lei-Lei; Hu, Shiqian; Xiong, Long*; Lü, Jing-tao*; Zheng, Bo*; Photon-assisted electron transport across a quantum phase transition., Physical Review B, 108: 085430 (2023).

10. Liu, Yingzhou; Yue, Jincheng; Liu, Yinong; Nian, Lei-Lei*; Hu, Shiqian*; Unlocking the potential of two-dimensional Janus superlattices: Directly visualizing phonon transitions., Chinese Physics Letters, 40: 086301 (2023).

11. Hu Shiqian; Ju Shenghong; Shao Cheng; Guo Jiang; Xu Bin; Ohnishi Masato; Shiomi Junichiro*; Ultimate impedance of coherent heat conduction in van der Waals graphene-MoS2 heterostructures., Materials Today Physics, 16: 100324 (2021).

12. An Meng; Chen Dongsheng; Ma Weigang*; Hu Shiqian*; Zhang Xing; Directly visualizing the crossover from incoherent to coherent phonons in two-dimensional periodic MoS2/MoSe2 arrayed heterostructure., International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 178, 121630 (2021).

13. Xu Bin; Hu, Shiqian; Hung Shih-Wei; Shao Cheng; Chandra Harsh; Chen Fu-Rong; Kodama Takashi; Shiomi Junichiro; Weaker bonding can give larger thermal conductance at highly mismatched interfaces., Science Advances 7, eabf8197 (2021).

14. Hu, Shiqian#; Feng, Lei#; Shao, Cheng; Strelnikov, Ivan A.; Kosevich, Yuriy A.*; Shiomi, Junichiro*; Two-path phonon interference resonance induces a stop band in a silicon crystal matrix with a multilayer array of embedded nanoparticles., Physical Review B, 102: 024301(2020).

15. An Meng; Li Linfeng; Hu Shiqian*; Ding Zhidong; Yu Xiaoxiang; Demir Baris; Yang Nuo*; Ma Weigang*; Zhang Xing; Mass difference and polarization lead to low thermal conductivity of graphene-like carbon nitride (C3N)., Carbon, 162: 202-208 (2020).

16. Hu, Shiqian; Zhang, Zhongwei; Jiang, Pengfei; Ren, Weijun; Yu, Cuiqian; Shiomi, Junichiro; Chen, Jie*; Disorder limits the coherent phonon transport in two-dimensional phononic crystal structures., Nanoscale, 11: 11839-11846 (2019).




